Being a single father definitely has its challenges, ups and downs, lefts and rights. But I can clearly say, which most parents would agree about their offspring, that my kids turned out pretty great. Perfect example of this awesomeness would be my 14 year old son Marcus Anthony (yes, his mother named him after the Latin singer....sigh!) Have you ever had something so wonderful that you wish you could have it cloned?? That's how I feel about my oldest boy. He doesn't give me TOO MUCH grief about things and he is an absolute joy to be around. He is loved by his peers and I love him in every way possible. I tell him pretty much everyday how I wish I had 8 more of him around just because of how helpful he is around the house and looks after his younger brother and sister. Don't get me wrong, Isaiah and Alexis are gems too, Marcus just completes the perfectly round circle that is our family. He gets pretty good grades and is very athletic and wants to be a football player. But right now is wrestling season and he had his first varsity match today. Alexis was already at the school to watch the team but I had to wait for Isaiah to get off the school bus for us to attend. Isaiah and I arrived just in the nick of time because Marcus was about to take on his opponent. We quickly took to the bleachers as Marcus shook his doomed adversaries hand and the ref blew the whistle. With phone in hand I hurried to snap a picture with my son in action but had technical issues and got nothing but blurr. As I go to snap another pic the ref's hand hit the mat and Marcus was victorious. I can't believe I missed the whole thing being so busy with my stupid phone. It is what it is and told him the story. He laughed so hard he snorted lol and said its cool that as long as I was there to support him. I love that big kid!!! Btw you can barely see him in the pic but pinned his man in 7.7 secs......just saying lol. Bring it fools!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Daddy day of doom number 5265...
So my son Isaiah comes home from a day of higher learning with eyes full of tears and slams his report card down on the kitchen table in front of me where I'm finishing up some of today's work dumbery and storms off. Im thinking to myself, "Oh God, his grades must be horrible!" After saying a small prayer and doing some of my breathing exercises, I proceed to open up what seems to be a pretty damn good report card. Absolutely nothing but A's and two C's. I couldn't be more proud, so it's gotta be some other reason for his sadness. I call him back to the table and ask him why he's so friggin upset. "I GOT ALL SLASHES DAD" Isaiah says. Meaning that his work in school is showing and/or is beginning to improve but still needs some attention. I assured him that the slashes meant nothing to me or anyone else with a brain. "What matters most is the high marks you achieve on your academics, that's what will get you into the college of your choice and land a good job so you can take care of daddy!" So after a few tickles and a flurry of knuckle sandwiches, his smile lit up and he was back to his norm.....his semi norm....his ISAIAH-self. Always show and tell your children what's most important, and that a proud parent will be there for them no matter what the stupid slashes say!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Daddy day of doom number 5261...
My daughter, bless her big little heart, tries to be so involved in everything possible. She LOVES staying busy! She pays soccer, sings in chorus, future founding program, leadership club, big brother big sister and that's just to name a few. As long as her grades don't slip I'm cool with what my baby wants. So this is her agenda for the next two days. Field trip tomorrow to Philadelphia for a leadership conference, then winter chorus concert in the evening, along with finishing her homework and chores. Friday, ANOTHER fieldtrip back to Philly to watch the People's Light theater presentation. Then soccer game home at 5:45 in the evening. She is gonna be a TIRED lil girl lol. I am sooooo proud of her. Make daddy proud! Be sure to encourage your children and their activities. Don't let the television teach our kids!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Daddy day of doom number 5260...
Well since this is my very first blog post, I will introduce myself. My name is Sheridan. But my friends and family call me Jamie, a nickname given to me by my grandmother at birth. I am a single father of three semi-wonderful Just kidding, they are awesome in every way possible. Marcus 14, Alexis about to be 13 going on 37, and my little bundle of energy Isaiah who is 10. There mom was in a near fatal motorcycle accident which she suffered a traumatic brain injury and has been in and out of rehabilitation centers since 2006. I hold down the fort as best as I can with little to no assistance from anyone other then their grandmother whenever she can get away from her own troublesome life with her own adult kids, but that's another story. I work full time and try to juggle home life, having a girlfriend, kids, newly diagnosed throat-cancered father and other lifes obsticles with little to no time for myself. My children are what I live for and keep me going but its a heavy weight which sometimes gets to overbearing. 1,000 questions are asked before I even step in the door from work. Dad can I..., hey dad what does ___ mean.., Dad, can you pick me up from... A lot fo the time I feel the need to lock myself in the bathroom for 30 minutes to prepare myself, which helps in a way. Take a deep breath, count to 10 and put on the happy face, lol. It's not always this bad but sometimes my feelings are all over the place. Dont get me wrong...Id walk the end of the earth for my babies and they dont want for anything, but aside from trying to keep everyone else happy, ie work, girlfriend, parents, its enough to drive ya bananas lol. All I want is to be someone the kids can look up to and confide in because I love them dearly and want nothing more then for them to grow up and look back on a happy childhood.